Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Choosing Materials for my Garment Piece

Initially I started off with paper and split pins after seeing Una Burkes armour like pieces, and paper is easy to manipulate.
But after thinking about how I am to apply a print I think white paper would look good as a canvas for a projection or even to apply it with photoshop. This also made me experiment with acetate for it's light reflective properties. And I wanted to include done fabric manipulation after seeing the balloon stuffed suit. I also added tracing paper to the list of materials as it is between the two transparisies of paper and acetate.

As the acetate was hard to photograph I decided to put the fabric under it instead of on the surface and I also thought about the way I could have a light up fabrics with LEDs woven in or optic fibres attached to the acetate. 

Small final sample of optic fibre like acetate. This could be improved by using colour onto it if I only needed a temporary substitute for optic fibres for my photographs.