The concept of her collection
"I developed the collection as an analysys of the contemporary
society through the nietzschean phylosophy. As "generation
y" representative, balancing between youth and adulthood, dealing
with high ideals and lack of perspective, living the "Crisis"
I felt the urge to create a positive answer and vision of
evolution, or better, re-evaluation. I visualized the
Dyonisian spirit in the most elementary and mechanic essence of the
human being: our body, our anatomy, the way we are builted to
interact with the world. On the other hand I visualizeded in
the heavy aesthetic of the medieval Christian iconography the
Apollonian spirit. As a result of this struggle between the
Apollonian and the Dionysian spirit I achieved the iconic human
being who has defeated the fear itself, has accepted his humanity,
his power and his decay. The man who wears the skull of the trinity
is just like an ancient greek warrior who wears his enemies arms
and standards as sign of value."