During the Sketchbook Exhibition I did feel as if I haven't done enough sketches, but I found out that quite a few other peers were feeling the same too which was quite assuring. We were all at the point of knowing what to do and was just starting to fill the pages, and some other students had separated their drawings and research which made the workload seem different.
I did ponder whether to work in the same way or not by having separate sketchbooks, however I think I prefer to work to a limited amount of books (sketchbook and technical file) so I can see clearly myself how my work is progressing.
Drawings exploring the layering of feltI did initially have a fear of the blank 'first page' however I tackled this problem by continuing in the sketchbook that I did my dog project in.
Development work for large scale drawingOne question I asked myself: 'Do I need to include more writing into my sketchbook?'
I think after looking at virtual sketchbooks I feel like it is not necessary to write about every detail in my sketchbook. I think it will be useful if I were to make notes to remind myself but as long as I can see where I have come from and where I'm going to go next having less writing is okay.
Large scale drawing
I plan on continuing with developing the large scale piece by working over it in layers and exploring the possibilities of stencils. I will also try reintroducing the colours of the small drawings that my peers liked and combine some samples.

Development of small colour sample drawingDeconstruction of Large Scale PieceClose up
From the list of possible ways of de constructing I picked 'weave' and worked from instinct almost, and started cutting the drawing up into strips. It didn't fit into the guillotine so I decided to add more of an edge to the piece by tearing it, so they were chunky and rough-edged.