Saturday, 16 July 2011

My Final Major Project

For my Final Major Project my theme was 'The Elements' and I concluded such a vast starting point into 'Land Erosion'

Drawing ink, wax, Brusho&water
This is a starting sketch after I had collected some relevant objects

Initial response ideas
Layered inked paper
Developing from images of sandstone erosion

Layered and frayed fabrics
This is a development of the previous idea, which formed quite an important image for this project.

Marbling with Turpentine and oil paints on paper
I explored the surface patterns and creating marbling effects with alternate materials.

Drawing inks on chiffon
I experimented with weathering on inked fabric.

Final Developed Pieces

Reverse applique with batik and Brusho

Tea, Brusho and coffee stained newspaper background with chiffon overlay
I enjoy adding a subtle touch to my work and here I have stitched the parts I have cut out back onto the piece with the inked cardboard


My sketchbook was displayed above the pile of rocks that were a large influence over the colours and shapes that I used throughout my project.

I displayed my work this way because I like to keep the area around my work simple and clean, because it allows the viewer to approach my work and pick up on the subtle details.